Sunday, September 15, 2013



There is no way in this world that I could explain to you love. I have felt it and just really basked in the glory of it. I have lost it and have broken my heart. I believe love conesides with the word trust. You've got to have it or else well you don't have love. Man love can be the most amazing thing in the world. But their are different types of love. Young love that is inexperienced love. Just starting out and really getting the feeling of it, your just bairly dipping your toes in and well getting a taste. Don't know how you can dip your toes and taste them that would probably be really gross. But anyways I like to think I have been in love and still am in love. But they don't love me. But why, maybe i'm not in love but more just think about this person all day every day. Try to look for oppertuinities where i can make them happy and help them with whatever is troubling. Well I don't think I will know love until it smacks me over my head like a sack of bricks or to a lesser extent a pillow case full of oranges (flordia Gangers do this). My head is hurting pretty bad. It feels like i've hurt you but how. I'm sorry i'll just keep on playing that song i sang for you that day. Dosen't matter anymore. Hope you have a good day! um okay


Dean Douglas

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