Thursday, January 9, 2014

Real Talk

Hi my name is Dean Douglas and I am a student in mr. nelsons creative writing class. One day he showed us a poem by Anis Mojgoni called Shake the Dust. Than he asked us to write our own. Out of all my work making my own version of this was by far my favorite and in my mind the best work i've done on my own. Hope you like it as well.

Shake the Dust

This one is for the ones who are told you're never goingn to amount to anything. The ones who are told to take a pill every morning so you can fit in. the ones who have something to say but are told to shut up and listen, this assignment is worth 70% of your grade .This is for the kids who can't sit still but are constantly told what to do. To the kids who color outside of the lines, who find the beauty in the small things. Well I say shake the dust, shake things up. Don't listen, just be yourself. That pill can't cange how you reallly feel only mask it towards the rest. Break free from the bonds and create. Look at the resistance in the face and laugh. Laugh so hard your buddy gives you that face. Stand tall you are not alone.  Shake the dust. You are not alone.

Thank you


  1. Dean Duglas I love you. You are one of the greatest friends ever.

    Oh and this was awesome! You're amazing.

  2. i have a pill. i'm with you. thanks for this.
