Sunday, November 24, 2013

In the mind of Dean Douglas

If you were really wondering what is going on up here well...

  1. Women
  2. School
  3. Work
  4. Women
  5. girls
  6. Her
  7. her 
  8. her
  9. her
  10. blog
As you can see i think of her all the time and i can't help it. I want to find ways to see her and be with her and talk to her.

It's odd and kind of annoying but well i enjoy it.

You kids think that you can't feel love so young well I am pretty sure that you can feel a little bit. Not all but a little.

The bit you feel is remarkable, it's like a drug that you just can't get enough of.

I'm hooked. Love you've won. Can't live with you but can't live without you.... just like women.

1 comment:

  1. "Can't live with you but can't live without you...."

    This was perfect! That right there is exactly how I feel about...him. Which kinda sucks sometimes but..what can ya do?

    So glad you posted! Keep it up!
